Archive of the Minutes of SWLPLD Meetings

SWLPLD Open Records Policy

It is the policy of the Southwest La Plata Library District that minutes of the monthly and special meetings of the Library District’s Board of Trustees shall be kept in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

The Executive Assistant to the Director, or her designee, will be assigned to cover each meeting. The elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall oversee this activity. The minutes shall be taken and promptly recorded. Until they have been approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees at a subsequent meeting, they shall be clearly marked as a draft.

After approval, the minutes shall be open to public inspection. The minutes of a meeting during which an executive session is authorized under the laws of the State of Colorado shall reflect the topic of discussion at the executive session and the corresponding Statute.

The regular session minutes must affirm that the Board did not adopt any policy, resolution, rule or regulation, nor take any formal action (except for approval of the minutes of an earlier executive session) during the executive session.

Minutes of an executive session shall be recorded electronically and must include:
1) the statutory provision authorizing the executive session;
2) the actual contents of the discussion; and
3) a signed statement from the chairperson attesting that any written minutes substantially reflect the substance of the discussion during the executive session.

No record should be made of any “privileged attorney-client communication.” Electronically recorded executive sessions must reflect when portions of the discussion are left unrecorded because of the attorney-client privilege. The record of an executive session must be retained for at least 90 days after the date of the executive session. It may then be destroyed.

Adopted September 15, 2020 SWLP Library District Board of Trustees

SWLPLD Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes Archives:





sbm – special board meeting