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A picture of the New York Times building in New Your, New York,

Read the New York Times

  1. Click on the link below.
  2. Redeem your code for full access to and more.
  3. Create an account using your personal email address.
  4. Enjoy your complimentary 24 hour subscription! After you have created an account, you will only need to enter your account information the next time you want to enjoy The New York Times.

Access the New York Times

Check Out eBooks and Audiobooks

  1. Download the cloudLibrary app to your device.
  2. Find your library by choosing U.S. > CO > AspenCat Union Catalog
  3. Log in using your library card # and your password (first four letters of your last name).
  4. Browse and enjoy!

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iphone with ear buds on top of an eReader and book
A picture of the New York Times building in New Your, New York,

Stream Movies, TV Shows, and More

  1. Click on the link below to register
  2. Search for “Southwest La Plata Library District” and enter your library card # for identification
  3. Create an account using your email and a new password
  4. Browse and enjoy!

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