Welcome to Sunnyside Library!

Sunnyside Library is located inside Sunnyside Elementary in Durango, Colorado. During school hours we serve students and staff. We serve the public after school hours and during school closures.

The collection at Sunnyside Library includes a selection of Children’s, Young Adult, and General Fiction and Non-Fiction books. We also have a collection of kids and general DVDs, and audio books.

We also have a resource computer available for research and general use, and offer an AWE Computer with children’s educational games.



Sunnyside Library
75 County Road 218
Durango, CO 81303

Phone (970) 375-3816, ext 2

School Year Hours
(August 20, 2024 through May 23, 2025)
Monday: 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Tuesday Friday: 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Summer Hours (June & July)
Monday – Friday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Curbside service is available, please call 970-375-3816, ext 2 or send a request via our contact page.

Don’t have a library card? Visit in person and request one or fill out our online form.

Wee Read Toddler Story Time. Tuesdays at 11 am, Sept 3-April 29. A love of reading starts early! Parents and caregivers, bring your wee ones , ages 2-4, for stories, songs, and games. We will provide approximately 20 minutes of simple stores and lots of interactive fun including songs, rhymes, and simple activities. Then stay and play in the library with your child and their new friends! For more information, contact patty@swlplibrarydistrict.org. 75 County Road 218, Durango, CO 81303 (970) 375-3816, ext. 2
Growing Readers Together, Kindergarten Readiness Workshops at Sunnyside Library. The Early Childhood Council of La Plata County and Sunnyside Library present a 6-part series of free workshops for parents/caregivers and their preschool age children. The workshops focus on key categories of kindergarten readiness with activities that support growth in early literacy, math, as well as motor and social emotional skills. Each child will receive a free book and other supplies to help support their readiness to thrive in school. Meet at 2pm on these dates. To get the most out of these workshops attendance is encouraged at all sessions. Sep 17-You & Me: Social Emotional Development-Playing. Oct 8-A Way With Words: Early Language-Talking and Singing. Nov 12-Breaking the Code: Early Literacy-Reading. Feb 11-1,2 Buckle My Show: Early Math. Mar 11-More Than Scribbles: Warly Writing-Fine Motor Skills. Apr 8-All By Myself: Gross Motor Skills & Independence. For more information contact patty@swlplibrarydistrict.org, 75 County Road 218, Durango, CO 81303 (970) 375-3816, ext. 2
CreativiTEA. A Meet up for crafty individuals who like to share ideas and camaraderie (and tea!) Bring a project you're working on or need help with and tap into the community of crafters for inspiration! Knitting, origami, macrame, beading, crocheting, embroidery or any portable craft! Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 3:30 - 5:30 pm (or until the library closes at 7 if you're in the groove) Sign up for the email list by sending your contact information to sspatron@swlplibrarydistrict.org. Sunnyside Library, Southwest La Plata Library District, 75 CR 218, Durango, CO. (970) 375-3816, ext 2
SW La Plata Library District Speaker Series, Compass Points: Navigating Community Resources. Smartphone 101. February 11, 6-7 pm at Sunnyside Library, 75 CR 218, Durango, CO. For questions, contact sspatron@swlplibrarydistrict.org. February 25, 6-7 pm at Fort Lewis Mesa Library, 11274 Hwy 140, Hesperus, CO. For questions, contact flmpatron@swlplibrarydistrict.org. Learn some smartphone basics and get help with your device. Both Apple and Android help will be available. Southwest La Plata Library District. 970-375-3816, www.swlplibrarydistrict.org
Southwest La Plata Library District, Fort Lewis Mesa Library and Sunnyside Library will be closed on Presidents' Day, Monday, February 17
Community Exchange. Stop by the 3rd Saturday of each month to exchange useful items with your neighbors. Next meeting: Saturday, February 15, 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Exchange: Garden Seeds. Sunnyside Library, Southwest La Plata Library District, 75 CR 218, Durango, CO (970) 375-3816, ext 2
Calling all 4th-6th graders! Be part of the Sunnyside Book Squad, Sunnyside Library's first ever Kids' Book Club! Every Wednesday in February, 3-4 pm. Questions? Contact patty@swlplibrarydistrict.org or call 970-375-3816, ext 2. *You do not need to be a Sunnyside student to participate! Please fill out and return this portion to sign up for Sunnyside Book Squad. 
Sunnyside Library, Southwest La Plata Library District.
Child's Name:_________
Grade: ______
Parent/Caregiver Name: _______________
Phone: _______________
Email: ________________
Who is authorized to pick up child: ________
Sunnyside Library presents: Adults Rock! A monthly adult-focused gathering to socialize and explore  new topics and interests, Tuesday, February 25, 5-6 pm, stop by and discuss HIKING TRAILS.
Adults ROCK will meet the fourth Tuesday of each month from 5-6 pm. If you have a suggestion for future monthly meeting topics please let us know! Research shows socializing is an important function for staying young! We would love to see you here at the library.
Sunnyside Library, Southwest La Plata Library District, 75 CR 218, Durango, CO (970) 375-3816, ext 2
Sunnyside Library D&D Club. February 22, 12-3, 75 County Road 218, Durango, CO 81303. Open to all ages. No prior experience or materials necessary! Open to beginner and experienced players alike! Please call 970-375-3816, ext 2 or email sspatron@swlplibrarydistrict.org if you have any specific questions! Sunnyside Library, Southwest La Plata Library District.
Sunnyside Library Book Club. Meets the 4th Monday of each month at 5:30 pm. Join us on February 24th to discuss "The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper" by Phaedra Patrick. Questions> Contact sspatron@swlplibrarydistrict.org. Sunnyside Library, Southwest La Plata Library District, 75 CR 218, Durango, CO (970) 375-3816, ext 2
SS.Wee Read.24-25
Sunnyside Library Growing Readers Together
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How can I support Sunnyside Library?

  • Get a library card – They are free and allow you to access all we have to offer: books, audio books, movies, public computers, wi-fi access, activities and programs, and more.
  • Join the Friends of the Library!
  • Volunteer – There is always something to do at a library. Our volunteers help shelve books, process materials and provide support at events. Contact the branch to see how you can help.
  • Donate Books – Your book donations help us develop our collection as well as provide materials for the Friend of the Library District’s book sales.