Events Calendar

Week of Jul 19th

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
July 19, 2020
July 20, 2020
July 21, 2020(1 event)

9:30 am: SWLP Library District Trustee's Meeting

July 21, 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the members of the Board of Directors of the Southwest La Plata Library District and to the general public that the Board of Directors of the Southwest La Plata Library District will hold a regular meeting open to the public on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. via conference connection due to current health conditions using the following to connect to the meeting, which will be recorded. Join the meeting after being screened and admitted by the meeting moderator using a computer or smartphone to connect via Internet/web connection at:

Meeting ID: 921 9612 6695,  Password: 7hvmjg

La Plata County Administration Building
1101 E 2nd Avenue
Durango, Colorado 81301
July 22, 2020
July 23, 2020
July 24, 2020
July 25, 2020
Skeins of yarn and knitting needles surrounded by content saying "Knitters Wanted"
Durango Powerhouse Science Center Passes Information
a pile of colorful books with the text "Fort Lewis Mesa Book Club, Now on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 3-5 pm
Wee Read Toddler Story Time. Wednesdays at 2 pm at Fort Lewis Mesa Library.
Musical notes on a scale, a drum and pile of books above the words "Book Bop" Music, movement, stories and fun for kids 2-4 yrs old and their caregivers. Tuesday at 2 pm, Sunnyside Library. Below the text are three young children dancing around musical notes. The Sunnyside/Southwest La Plata Library District logo shows an open book with "magic" floating above the pages.
SS Knitters Wanted
SWLPLD-#2-Powerhouse (small version) flyer_22-03-11
FLM Book Club
Wee Read at 2 pm
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