Growing Readers Together

February 12, 2025

Growing Readers Together, Kindergarten Readiness Workshops at Fort Lewis Mesa Library. The Early Childhood Council of La Plata County and Fort Lewis Mesa Library present a 6-part series of free workshops for parents/caregivers and their preschool age children. The workshops focus on key categories of kindergarten readiness with activities that support growth in early literacy, math, as well as motor and social emotional skills. Each child will receive a free book and other supplies to help support their readiness to thrive in school. Meet at 2pm on these dates. To get the most out of these workshops attendance is encouraged at all sessions. Sep 11-You & Me: Social Emotional Development-Playing. Oct 9-A Way With Words: Early Language-Talking and Singing. Nov 13-Breaking the Code: Early Literacy-Reading. Feb 12-1,2 Buckle My Show: Early Math. Mar 12-More Than Scribbles: Warly Writing-Fine Motor Skills. Apr 9-All By Myself: Gross Motor Skills & Independence. For more information contact, 11274 HWY 140, Hesperus, CO 81326 (970) 375-3816

Growing Readers Together, Kindergarten Readiness Workshops

Fort Lewis Mesa Public Library
11274 Colorado State Hwy. 140
Hesperus, Colorado 81326
(970) 588-3331 ext. 3802

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